What is fertility awareness?
Fertility awareness is a way to identify the fertile window through the observation of different biomarkers and cycle patterns over time. Through the fertility awareness method, you can avoid or achieve pregnancy, or use it as a tool to track overall health depending on your goals.
What biomarkers are tracked as part of FAM?
There are several different methods you can use for FAM such as the sympto-thermal method, sympto-hormonal, Billings, Creighton, Sensiplan, etc.
I teach the sympto-thermal method which uses cervical mucus observations, basal body temperature, and cervical position as biomarkers to track the different phases of the cycle.
I am also trained in teaching the sympto-hormonal method which uses cervical mucus observations and LH testing (ovulation testing).
Is it effective?
Yes! It takes work and dedication but it is so worth it! Personally, I have been practicing FAM to avoid pregnancy for four years with zero questioning on whether or not I might be pregnant!
The sympto-thermal method with perfect use is 98-99% effective and 98% effective with typical use. That is just as effective or more effective as most contraceptives!
This is not the rhythm or calendar method that you may have heard of.
Why should I use an instructor?
Learning FAM for the first time can be daunting. Maybe you have irregular cycles or are confused by all the FAM jargon or have a hard time seeing the big picture of your cycle patterns. Using an instructor not only increases the effectiveness of the method but can also be helpful if you are experiencing any self-doubt or need an advocate for a more natural form of birth control.
I highly recommend using an instructor at any point during your fertility awareness journey!
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